Rosemary Mosco

Nature Writing · Cartooning · Bird Facts

Rosemary is a science writer and naturalist who makes books and cartoons that connect people with the natural world.

New Book: There Are No Ants In This Book

Something new!

In this hilarious meta picture book, discover why ants aren’t so bad. In fact, they’re pretty amazing, and with their humongous families, they might turn your picnic into a party!


These comics and diagrams share the funny side of nature and discuss environmental issues.

See Comics


Rosemary has written acclaimed science books for kids and adults on topics from the solar system to butterflies to backyard nature.

See Books

·Talks & Workshops·

Rosemary is a funny, thought-provoking speaker who delivers well-crafted talks on nature, birds, comics, and science outreach.

See Talks